Approach towards a sustainable society
Dynabook Inc. is taking actions that contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
Acquisition of international Certificate
Risk assessments in Labor and occupational health and safety
Our requirements related to a sustainable society for our suppliers
Acquisition of international Certificate
■ Environmental Management System (ISO14001)
ISO 14001 is an international standard for an environmental management system (EMS). We are working to improve our environmental performance, including reducing our environmental impact, through certification and continuous improvement of our environmental management system.
■ Energy Management System (ISO50001)
ISO 50001 is an international standard for an energy management system (EnMS) published in 2011. We are committed to saving energy and reducing energy costs by visualizing and continuously improving our energy performance.
■ Occupational Health and Safety Management System (ISO45001)
ISO 45001 is an international standard for an occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS). We are working to create an environment that prevents occupational accidents resulting in injury or death, and illness, through the certification and continual improvement of our occupational health and safety management system.
Risk assessments in Labor and occupational health and safety
We ensure that there are no unacceptable labor and occupational health and safety risks at our own manufacturing facility by conducting RBA-VAP* audits and ISO 45001 audits.
We also carry out risk assessments of our suppliers' manufacturing and assembly facilities to identify labor and occupational health and safety risks.
In the assessment conducted in 2023, we confirmed that there are no unacceptable risk at the manufacturing and assembly facilities of our suppliers.
The results of the risk assessments at our manufacturing sites are as follows.
■Labor: Result of risk assessment by RBA-VAP audit

Result of RBA-VAP* Recognition program for Dynabook Technology (Hangzhou) Inc.
Summary of audit result
Audit year | FY2024 | ||
Geography / Country | Asia / China | ||
Number of facilities audited | 1 | ||
Aggregate number of non-conformities | 6 | ||
Total percentage of non-conformities | 7% | ||
Breakdown of non-conformity (Situation of corrective action) | |||
Item | Number of non-conformities | Percentage of completion of corrective action | Aggregate number and total percentage of repeat non-conformities |
1 | 0% | 0pc. / 0% |
1 | 0% | 0pc. / 0% |
B) Health and Safety VAP-B.M.2.1/2 CONTROL PROCESSES |
2 | 0% | 0pc. / 0% |
1 | 0% | 0pc. / 0% |
E) Supply Chain Management VAP-E4.3 SUPPLIER RESPONSIBILITY |
1 | 0% | 0pc. / 0% |
- *: The RBA (Responsible Business Alliance) is an industry coalition founded in 2004 to promote corporate social responsibility in global supply chains.
The RBA-VAP (Validated Assessment Program) audit assesses compliance with the RBA Code of Conduct on social, environmental and ethical issues in the supply chain.
■Occupational Health and safety: Result of Risk assessment by ISO45001 audit
Summary of audit result
Audit year | FY2023 | ||
Geography / Country | Asia / China | ||
Number of facilities audited | 1 | ||
Aggregate number of non-conformities | 2 | ||
Total percentage of non-conformities | 5% | ||
Breakdown of non-conformity (Situation of corrective action) | |||
Item | Number of non-conformities | Percentage of completion of corrective action | Aggregate number and total percentage of repeat non-conformities |
8.1) Operational planning and control | 2 | 100% | 0pc. / 0% |
Our requirements related to a sustainable society for our suppliers
In order to achieve a sustainable society, we ask our suppliers to take the following actions
Handling of Management for chemical substances
- Compliance with the requirements of our "Guidelines for Green Procurement" and following items.
- Submission of the "Commitment of Guidelines of Green Procurement"
- Cooperation with the survey by means of our "use / Non-use declaration"
- Cooperation with the survey for Chemical Substances Inventory
- Cooperation for the survey for content of SVHC defined by EU REACH regulation
- Submission of analysis reports for major parts and units
- Cooperation in following audits
1) CSR management evaluation
2) Green audit
Handling for Labour matters
- Compliance with the following International Labour Standards identified in "The ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work".
- Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
- The elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour
- The effective abolition of Child labour
- The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
- Compliance with domestic labour laws in the areas where your sites are located, including following items.
- Minimum wages
- Working hours
- Overtime compensation
- Employment contractual relationships
- Compliance with the prohibitions of human trafficking as defined in The Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.
Handling for Occupational health and safety
- Establishment of processes for the following items of your occupational health and safety (OHS) management system (as defined in ISO45001 etc.) :
- Development of an OHS management system describing context of the organization.
- Leadership and worker participation including OHS Policy, Roles, Responsibilities, Accountabilities and Authorities.
- Risk and hazard identification and assessment and determination of applicable OHS legal requirements and other OHS requirements and risks, including related actions and objectives to address them.
- Provision of resources competence and awareness, information and communication and documented information.
- Operational planning and control including operational controls that apply to outsourcing, procurement and contractors, emergency preparedness and response and change management.
- Performance evaluation including internal audits, monitoring and measurement, analysis and evaluation and management review.
- Incidents, nonconformities and corrective action, continual improvement of objectives and processes.
Handling for Conflict Minerals
- Cooperation with the survey related to the conflict minerals.