
Company Outline


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Company Outline

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  3. Company Outline

Company Outline

Trade Name Dynabook Inc.
Business Description

The development, manufacture, sales, support and servicing of personal computers and system solutions products in Japan and overseas

Capital 8.55 billion yen
Head Office NBF Toyosu Garden Front Bldg. Toyosu 5-6-15, Koto-ku, Tokyo
(Head Office Map) (List of Offices and Sites)
Representatives Kiyofumi Kakudo, Representative Director, President & CEO
Established September 9, 1954
Changes to the current organization April 1, 2016
Number of employees 1,828 (as at April 1, 2024, consolidated base)
Annual sales 181 billion yen (as at fiscal 2023, consolidated base)
Board Members Tetsuji Kawamura, Chairman
Kiyofumi Kakudo, Representative Director, President & CEO
Ikuaki Takayama, Director, Executive Vice President
Chunyi Chang, Director & CFO
Chin-Shin chen, Director
Masakane Koike, Auditor
Akinori Odajima, Auditor
Kazuhiko Kashiwagi, Senior Vice President, Responsible for Technology & Quality
Masahiko Shibuya, Senior Vice President, General Manager of Japan PC Business Unit.
Junichi Sudo, Vice President, Responsible for Business Development & Structural Reform , General Manager of Strategic Planning Div.
Mayumi Maeda, Vice President, Responsible for Governance, General Manager of Legal Affairs Div.
Atsuyuki Takeda, Vice President, Assistant General Manager of Japan PC Business Unit.
Akira Kumagai, Vice President, General Manager of Solution Buisiness Unit.
Nobuko Musumi, Vice President, General Manager of Global PC Business Unit.

(Changes to the current system made on June 21th, 2024))

Organization Organization image
Affiliated Company Dynabook TAMA information equipments Co.,Ltd.


September 1954 Established through a joint investment between Kawasaki Aircrfaft Industries and Iwaki Cement
Company name: Kawasaki Typewriter Co., Ltd.
May 1958 Tokyo Shibaura Electric Co., Ltd. (Toshiba Corporation today) acquires all shares in the company
Company name changed to Toshiba Typewriter Co., Ltd.
June 1961 Transfer of Head Office to Ginza Nishi 3-1, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
August 1966 Control of the Manufacturing Division transferred to Toshiba
April 1968 Company name changed to Toshiba Business Machines Company
December 1975 Transfer of Head Office to Toshiba Hamamatsu-cho Building, Shibaura1-1-43, Minato-ku, Tokyo
January 1977 Establishment of Toshiba Business Computers Company
October 1984 Merger with Toshiba Business Computers Company
Company name changed to Toshiba Information Systems Corporation
Head Office: Mita1-4-28, Minato-ku, Tokyo
April 1995 Transfer of Head Office to Higashi Shinagawa 4-10-27, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
October 2005 Control of the Document Solutions business to Toshiba Tec Solution Services Corporation
April 2007 Control of the PC Sales and Maintenance business to Toshiba Personal Computer System Corporation
October 2007 Transfer of Head Office to the present location
October 2011 Merger with Toshiba Information Equipment Business Supplies Co., Ltd.
April 2014 The Systems Solutions business sold to Toshiba Solutions Sales Corporation
April 2016 The PC-related businesses transferred from Toshiba Corporation
Company name changed to Toshiba Client Solutions Co., Ltd.
October 2018 80.1% of issued shares were transferred to Sharp Corporation and Toshiba Client Solutions came under the umbrella of the Sharp Group
January 2019 Company name changed to Dynabook Inc.
August 2020 19.9% of issued shares were transferred to Sharp Corporation and Dynabook Inc. became 100% subsidiary of Sharp Corporation.
>Press Release


ISO 14001(Registration:November 2002)

ISO/IEC 27001(Registration:July 2005)

ISO 9001 (Registration:April 1993)

Qualified Invoice Registration Number


* You can also find this information on the official website of the National Tax Agency of Japan.


Construction Industry (Telecommunications construction business, Electrical construction business)
Permit Number: Land and Transport Minister (General - 28) No. 16671

Second hand dealer license - Tokyo Metropolitan Public Safety Commission
License number: 301066601726

