As a company that develops, designs, manufactures and sells computers, tablets and client solutions, we
consider it paramount to use environmentally friendly methods as we develop our products and services
and carry out our business activities, guided by the Dynabook Group's business philosophy of "With
sincerity and creativity, we offer enhanced value and contribute to the development of society".
We are conscious that every company and individual must play a part in environmental conservation
initiatives, and in addition to complying with all environmental laws, regulations and regional
agreements, we carry out environmental activities to achieve greater value, harmony with the planet, a
low-carbon society, a circular society and a society that coexists with nature, with the aim of
contributing to the building of a sustainable society.
Main Initiatives
Promotion of Environmental Management
- We consider environmental stewardship to be one of management's primary responsibilities,
promoting environmental activities in harmony with economic activities.
- We have a global environmental management system covering all regions where we carry out
business activities, and we provide direction and support to domestic and overseas group
companies. We promote environmental management throughout the Dynabook Group.
- We comply with all applicable laws and regulations, industry guidelines that we have endorsed,
and our own standards concerning the environment.
- We assess the impacts of our business operations, products and services on the environment,
including impact to biodiversity, and we specify objectives and targets with respect to the
reduction of environmental impacts, including the prevention of pollution.
- We strive to continuously improve environmental management through internal audits and reviews
of activities.
- We enhance the environmental awareness of all our business associates and employees through
environmental activities and their participation in environmental training and educational
Providing Environmentally Conscious Products and Services and Reducing Their Environmental Impact
Through Business Activities
- To conserve limited natural resources, we have a positive environmental approach supporting the
efficient use of both products and business processes.
- To provide products and services that are environmentally conscious throughout their lifecycle,
we focus on environmentally conscious design, such as energy-saving design, resource-saving
design, design for recycling, and reduction or elimination of harmful chemicals (classified as
Specific Chemical Substances under Japanese environmental law) by design.